Traxbean Ankle Tracker Passed the EMC Test – 10

Ankle Tracker

Ankle tracker beacon is an excellent product we can enable the indoor tracking in the law enforcement solutions. To get more information please click the link Contact Us

ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker,Software Architecture

Ankle Tracker Design

We design a tamper proof ankle tracker from PCBA, DFM(Design for manufacturability) key point is safe, Electromagnetic Compatibility is one of the requirements.

ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker,Software Architecture

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Voltage Dips and Interruptions

Environmental conditions:

Temperature:15-35 ℃, Humidity:45-75 %RH


Reference documents:

IEC61000-4-11:1999 Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)-Part 4-11:Testing and measurement techniques-Voltage dips,short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests


Test arrangement:


ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker,EMC


Sample state:

Sample is in good condition before test


Test conditions:

The test sample is in normal state

70% of VT(Supply Voltage) for 10ms;
40% of VT(Supply Voltage) for 100ms;
10% of VT(Supply Voltage) for 500ms


General performance criteria:

Performance criteria A for immunity tests with phenomena of a continuous nature;

Performance criteria B for immunity tests with phenomena of a transient nature;

Performance criteria C for immunity tests with power interruptions exceeding a certain time.


Test acceptance requirements:

Criteria B.


Test Result:

Criteria A.


Test conclusion:



Test Photo

ankle tracker,prisoner tracker,smart watch,gps tracker,EMC

The ankle tracker is used for prisoner/offender/criminal tracking in the community correction program.



More test result and process record are coming.